Traffic Problems: A Collection Of Comic Road Accidents
5. I wonder, can he see the road?

Your eye is caught unexpectedly as you negotiate the busy city traffic by a car that defies all reason and safety guidelines. There, in the lane next to you, is a car so crammed with goods it's amazing it's moving at all. Originally probably a small sedan or hatchback, the car is now a tall mountain of dangerously balanced stuff. Stacked far above the roof, furniture, boxes, bicycles, and what seems to be someone's whole life collection are fastened by a sophisticated network of unraveling ropes and bungee cable. The mound stretches so far that most of the front windshield is hidden as well as the rear and side windows. You squint your eyes in search of the driver, but all you can see is a small sliver of space, hardly enough for a set of eyes to glance across. You wonder, as the mobile Jenga tower moves forward in traffic: how on earth can the driver view the road? It's a sobering reminder of the occasionally dubious choices people make when moving house and a monument to human will—or maybe desperation. This sequence not only begs major questions regarding road safety but also piques interest in the background of this extreme packing job and the superhuman spatial awareness of the driver.
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