Traffic Problems: A Collection Of Comic Road Accidents
4. Okay, there's a cobra in the passenger seat, but why isn't he buckled up?
Your eyes stray to an odd sight in the automobile next to you as you travel down the highway. Though at first look it looks like an average car, a double-take shows something remarkable — and maybe fatal. A huge king cobra, coiled cosily in the passenger seat, has a half flared hood and glittering scales from the sunlight. Surprisingly lazy, the driver keeps his eyes on the road as though he were carrying a deadly snake simply another daily grind at the office. The obvious safety issue, however, really grabs your attention: the cobra is free to slither about the cabin while the human driver is firmly fastened with a seatbelt. There are many questions this begs. Is this on a regular basis? Is the snake a pet or maybe part of some exotic animal delivery company? Most importantly, why on earth is the cobra not curled up? One cannot help but picture the anarchy that would follow should the car have to suddenly stop. Thinking about the legalities and practicality of serpent seatbelt rules, you come to see that occasionally the most unusual scenes on the road are those that offer more questions than answers.