Traffic Problems: A Collection Of Comic Road Accidents

14. The car of an avid rubber duck fan.

Suddenly you find yourself next a car that could only be described as a mobile rubber duck refuge as you are speeding down the highway. Once a standard sedan, it has become a yellow, quacking show on wheels. Rubber ducks in diverse sizes, colors, and patterns cover the car's whole outside. Glued to the hood, lined up along the roof rack, and even bound to the windows, they create a sea of small, beaked faces that seem to shake and dance with the speed of the automobile. Seen through a little clearing in the duck-covered glass, the driver sports a radiant smile and a headgear fashioned like you guessed it — a gigantic rubber duck. You see as you pass by that even the wheels have been altered to resemble big duck feet, with webbing. The license plate, "Duckedfans1," makes clear the owner's passion. This rolling homage to bath toy excitement not only makes heads turn but also makes everyone it passes grin. It's a quirky reminder that occasionally following our eccentric passions to the utmost can make others on the path of life happy unexpectedly.
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