Your focus is abruptly drawn as you cruise down the road by the sound of oncoming engines. What is on view is not just a gathering of motorcyclists but also an exhibition that seems to have come right out of a fantasy book or a circus show. Thunders past in excellent form, a team of horsemen each more brilliantly decorated than the next. Leading the pack is a rider whose motorcycle has been turned into a fire-breathing dragon with moving wings and a tail whippable in the wind. Closely follows another whose bike seems to be a galloping unicorn, with LED lights shining on its horn. Another rider rides atop a motorcycle designed to seem like a huge, mechanical spider, its several legs seeming to crawl down the road. The crew moves in coordinated rhythms to give the impression of a mystical procession on wheels. Equally complex are their riding outfits, which have billowing capes, light-up components, and helmets covered in everything from antlers to steampunk gears. You can't help but wonder at the inventiveness, talent, and pure daring of this incredible motorbike team as they pass, leaving a wake of stunned traffic in their route. It reminds us that occasionally the most surprising and beautiful performances might take place on the open road.