OMG! These Traffic Moments Will Make Your Day

3. I really needed some coffee, huh?

Early in the morning rush, you come upon a scenario that aptly captures the great need many commuters have for caffeine. One automobile ahead of you has been cleverly, if somewhat recklessly, altered to become a mobile coffee station. An intricate system of tubes and containers, akin to a Rube Goldberg machine committed to the art of coffee making, has replaced the roof rack. From a precariously positioned espresso maker, steam rises, and the air smells freshly ground beans—even faintly audible in nearby cars. Looking remarkably alert, the driver moves through traffic with one hand while the other runs many levers and switches on the dashboard, likely regulating the rooftop brewing equipment. < Watching in wonder, the device generates an exact stream of coffee straight into a mug fastened in the cup holder. Some drivers hold out their travel mugs hopefully as they pass, others strange their necks to get a better view. This caffeinated contraption on wheels is evidence of human creativity and the extent some will go to meet their coffee needs. Although from a safety perspective absolutely not advised, it's difficult not to respect the commitment to the ideal morning drink even throughout a commute.
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