25 Breeds Of Dogs Too Dangerous For Your Home
Choosing the right dog breed for you and your family is no easy feat, especially if you have young children. Although dogs are considered man's best friend, this saying varies depending on the breed. It is crucial that your new puppy not only gets along with you and yours, but also with your children, as well as guests and neighbors. Although all dogs can be trained, not all breeds can be trained to love and live with children. Believe it or not, but owning certain breeds can even increase your homeowners insurance! These are the dog breeds that families should be wary of leaving their little ones around.
Not Family Friendly: Dog breeds that are not the best with children
Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamutes were created for the harshest conditions. They are bred for isolated, freezing environments. Survival skills often come into play with this breed, as they are known to attack small animals, as well as children. The Malamute is another difficult breed to train, even worse if they perceive a weak owner. If anyone in your family suffers from asthma, you will also want to stay away from this breed because it sheds a lot.

The Rottweiler breed is known for its strength and large size. They were originally bred for their skill, often used to herd livestock and pull small carts. Rottweilers can act violently towards strangers due to their loyalty and courageous nature. This breed is often used as a police dog and guard dog. They love to play, but often mistake it for something real.
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