23 Simple Tricks To Repair The House To Save Time And Money
19. Keep your toilet seat dry and fresh
Even if you close the lid after showering, a wet seat may remain even if the area is not properly separated. Place a roll of toilet paper under the seat to make it dry faster and unpleasant odors and damp sensations should disappear in no time.
20. Check your tires before driving
You can prevent car theft by checking your tires before driving. Some car thieves will place an empty water bottle on one of the passenger side tires, which you won't notice until the car starts moving. You may hear them drive away in their car or grab some personal items and run as soon as you get out.
21. Dissolve the bugs with hydrogen peroxide
You can use hydrogen peroxide to clean your car of dead bugs without damaging the paint. The chemical contains proteins that eat away at the bacteria's gut without damaging the paint.