22 Unusual Uses For Banana Peels
10. Moisturizing and smoothing wrinkles

For most women, maintaining a glowing and hydrated complexion is an ongoing challenge. Banana peels can help! You can get rid of wrinkles and your skin will be smoother if you keep up the habit of scraping the inside of a banana peel and spreading it all over your face or body for 10 minutes before rinsing with clean water.
11. Make a portable dessert

It's easy and delicious to make a campfire decadence with banana peels for your kids. Wrap the banana in foil, then grill it over high heat for about 5-8 minutes, adding some chocolate, marshmallows and nuts inside. Now you have a warm, melty banana boat to enjoy!
12. Banish garden insects

Here's how you can get rid of aphids without inhumane methods or toxic chemicals, and you won't need to use inhumane methods or toxic chemicals. Aphids are very common, as well as annoying, insects that move into your garden uninvited. Place some banana peels in a few 1-inch holes near the base of your aphid-infested plants and the potassium will repel the little ones.
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