13 Bizarre and Beautiful Mushrooms
Bleeding Tooth (Hydnellum peckii)

Scientifically called **Hydnellum peckii**, the **bleeding teeth mushroom** is fascinating and frightening. When young, this mushroom is readily recognisable because of its remarkable ability to produce bloodlike, brilliant-red, technically xylem sap droplets from pores on its white crown. Its eerie look from this "bleeding" effect could turn off some but excite others.
The bleeding tooth loses its ability to oeze the red fluid as it matures; it progressively becomes an average-looking, grayish-brown mushroom. Although this change lessens its uniqueness at its senior age, this species is nevertheless fascinating all through its life.
Usually growing in coniferous woods and creating mycorrhizal interactions with tree roots, bleeding teeth mushrooms are found in North America, Europe, Iran, and Korea. Though their stiff texture and sometimes harsh taste make them unfit for consumption, mycologists and mushroom aficionados find great interest in them for their unusual qualities and ecological functions.
All things considered, the bleeding tooth mushroom represents the variety present in the fungus kingdom and the amazing traits and adaptations mushrooms can display in their natural environments.
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